Woman driving a car

It may surprise you to know that good health begins in your gut.

It's true. Healthy digestion is EVERYTHING.

A strong digestive tract extracts nutrients from food, fuels your activities, builds and repairs your body, removes the bad stuff from your body, and keeps you feeling energized.

The state of your gut can impact how you feel from head to toe, and could be the REAL root cause of your health problems. Ayurveda practitioners understand this and have been approaching health through the gut for over 5,000 years.

Veda Rescue Bottle

Introducing VEDA RESCUE

Veda Rescue is the simplest way to gently cleanse, nourish, and balance your gut for healthy digestion and regularity, so you feel great overall.

This amazing formula combines the benefits of traditional Ayurvedic practices with modern-day science to help you enjoy a calm, healthy digestive tract and a healthy, vibrant, rejuvenated you!

One nightly dose provides healthy digestion and more.

Veda Rescue provides support for…

  • Softer, easier-to-pass stools
  • Gentle, steady regularity
  • Fewer bouts with occasional constipation and diarrhea
  • A healthy immune system
  • Plus, less stress if you’re frustrated by your nagging digestive issues
  • And so much more…
Illustration of woman with arrows pointing to stomach and head
Woman in bed

When it comes to your overall health and happiness, a healthy gut and microbiome are everything.

That’s what Ayurvedic medical tradition teaches. And what modern science has confirmed.

There’s an ancient Ayurvedic saying that goes something like this:

“It’s not just about what you eat. It’s about what you digest.”

Our body and mind are overstressed every day by the pace and ongoing ‘To-Do Lists’ that accompany modern life; and no matter how healthy we eat, how much yoga we practice or how many billions of probiotics we take, our gut, mind, and body still need a regular “reset button” every night to recover from the day.

Veda Rescue is a nightly reset so that we wake every day feeling rejuvenated, cleansed, nourished and balanced.


“Wow, What a Difference”*

“I’ve struggled with GI issues for most of my life; it’s just been something that I’ve come to live with — I’ve learned what my triggers are and try to avoid them. Then I met Dr. Chaudhary and everything changed. I started with Veda Rescue and wow, what a difference. It’s a wonder herb alright…I wondered where it had been all my life!”*

—Lynn N., Prajna Brand Warrior

*Individual results will vary.

“You simply cannot separate your digestive and emotional health. They are connected.”

Dr. Chaudhary's signature

—Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, Neurologist and Ayurvedic Practitioner

In Western medicine, scientists talk about the microbiome.

In Ayurvedic medicine, practitioners talk about agni.

Agni governs your ability to digest the foods you eat and extract the nutrients you need to feel healthy and energized.

Read More About Agni

In Ayurveda, agni means “fire” and the strength of our agni determines our healthspan.

Agni supports so many facets of our physical and emotional health, that when it is impaired or out of balance, you notice it—first in the state of your digestion and then in how you feel overall.

Healthy digestion and healthy agni start with triphala

Triphala is an ancient herbal blend comprised of three berries. The combination of these specific berries has a wonderfully healing and nurturing effect that supports a healthy gut and healthy digestion.

It’s one of the first things Ayurvedic practitioners reach for when treating their patients and is what was “prescribed” to the formulator, Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, years ago when she wasn’t feeling her best.

Veda Rescue Bottle

Veda Rescue supports your digestive fire and helps you process what you eat.

Dr. Chaudhary's life isn't too different from yours…

Photo of Dr. Chaudhary

When I first began my medical training in California, my health was amazing.

My family ate a very healthy diet filled with traditional Ayurvedic herbs and traditional recipes. And I was almost never sick.

But, medical school changed all that. It’s ironic that while young, eager medical students are learning how to keep people healthy…their own health is sacrificed.

I was working ridiculous hours, munching on anything I had to time grab, and I was always exhausted.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Of course it does. Most women feel this way.

We ALL lead stressful lives with a thousand responsibilities, right?

Inevitably, as my professional life rose, my health began to plummet…


After I graduated from my neurology residency and started my own practice, my life became even more stressful and all-consuming. My digestion was awful. I was frequently constipated or bloated or BOTH. I was not even close to being “regular.” I felt heavy. I also felt anxious, worried, and overwhelmed. Basically, my life was profoundly out of balance. I knew there had to be a solution, but I didn’t know what it was. I was desperate to feel better. So I did what every highly trained, ferociously independent, scientific professional does in these circumstances.

I called Mom.

She immediately put me in touch with her doctor, an Ayurvedic practitioner who travels back and forth between India and the United States.

As a child, my mother often took me to an Ayurvedic practitioner for minor issues. But this was very different. It was the first time I ever went to see an Ayurvedic doctor for a bigger health concern.

Despite being Indian, and despite my upbringing, my Western medical training had given me a certain degree of cynicism about this way of practicing medicine. If I hadn’t been so miserable and desperate, I probably wouldn’t have done it.

First, the doctor did a thorough Ayurvedic physical. He looked at my tongue and my nails and he took my pulse. Finally, he gave me the verdict.

“You are not well,” he stated bluntly. “It’s your digestion,” he said. “Your digestion is very poor. I can tell that you are often constipated or bloated." He was right and he went on to tell me that THIS is where all health problems begin. He told me I was living an unhealthy lifestyle, and if I didn’t fix my digestion, disease and declining health were inevitable. I was upset of course. I had worked my whole life to get where I was and now I’d have to give it up and live on a farm somewhere?

Actually that’s NOT at all what he “prescribed.” And, today, that’s not what I recommend either. As a result of my own Ayurvedic training, the first thing I do when treating my patients is get an assessment of their digestive health. If there are any issues in that area, I recommend Veda Rescue. It’s simple, easy, and only takes about 10 seconds each night.

Prajna Ayrurveda
Digestive system icon

Support the digestive system

Smooth digestion icon

Promote comfortable digestion and elimination

Rejuvenating icon

Cleanse, nourish, and rejuvenate the gut
and body

antioxident icon

Provide robust antioxidant properties

vata pitta kapha icon

Harmonize Vata, Pitta, and Kapha throughout the body


Triphala is a rasayana, a rejuvenating herbal combination that has been traditionally used for thousands of years to support healthy bowels. It also helps rescue our gut from the bombardment of daily life by supporting smooth, comfortable digestion.

veda rescue bottle with ingredients

Veda Rescue provides a simple way to get a daily dose of Triphala in one simple, easy-to-swallow capsule.

Let this exclusive formula "rescue" you from your digestive worries.

Does it get any better than this?

Yes, it does! Western medicine influenced our decision to take triphala to a whole new level by combining it with two additional, clinically validated ingredients that perfectly support the Ayurvedic approach to health.


A “dirty” probiotic shown to improve regularity and lead to fewer bouts of constipation and diarrhea.

Learn More About DE111

DE111 is a soil-based probiotic.

It’s part of a whole new generation of therapeutic probiotic strains that are cultivated from the soil beneath our feet. Look at it this way...

Remember when you were a kid and played in the mud? It turns out that all that “dirt” was teeming with a probiotic strain called B. subtilis. This “dirty” organism may be the healthiest probiotic of all.

B. subtilis is critical for keeping your digestive tract healthy and for maintaining a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria. It is the fundamental probiotic strain that Nature intended to live in your digestive tract and keep you healthy. Veda Rescue includes a very specific form of B. subtilis called DE111.

Why? Because it’s backed by a gold-standard human study and over 30 safety studies. And you just can’t beat the results.


A postbiotic that acts as a prebiotic to nurture our gut microbiome and provide epic immune system and gut support.

Learn More About EpiCor

The modern way to support your healthy gut microbiome is actually 8,000 years old. EpiCor gives you a kick in the gut to help ensure that you have healthy days ahead.

Supported by six published, human clinical trials and seven published pre-clinical trials, Dr. Chaudhary believes that EpiCor is one of the safest, most powerful postbiotics available in the world.

hand holding veda rescue and capsules

When it comes to your overall health and happiness, a healthy gut is everything.

That's what Ayurvedic medicine teaches and what modern science has confirmed.

  • Daily support for a healthier and happier gut
  • Better digestion and regularity
  • Boosts growth of good bacteria to keep our digestive tract healthy
  • Supports immune health year round
  • And so much more…

“Wow, What a Difference”*

”Triphala has been a godsend! It was so easy to add to my routine. I keep the bottle on my nightstand and take it about an hour before bed. The next day I feel physically and mentally lighter!“

—Michele B., Prajna Storyteller

*Individual results will vary.


“Totally exceeded expectations”*

“I’ve been taking supplements for over 30 years and none have produced results quite like Triphala. Totally exceeded expectations, especially with regularity and just feeling clearer overall. It’s now part of my bedtime routine, like brushing my teeth…except it’s brushing my insides :-)”

—Erica B., Prajna Jane-Of-All-Trades

*Individual results will vary.

Regular Price: $40.
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